Thump Agri and Horti Tech (Shanghai) Co., Ltd.   : Henry 0086-15372315218    :
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Strawberry Growing Pot

Bato bucket for strawberry(also known as bato bucket system) is optimized for large, vining crops, such as tomatoes, cucumbers, eggplants, and peppers. The plants are fertilized using the nutrient injection system, which pulls a concentrated nutrient solution from fertilizer tanks at predetermined ratios and then injects the nutrient solution through the feed plumbing lines on intervals ranging from 3 minutes on every 20 minutes to 1 minute on every 30 minutes, depending on the season and maturity of the crop.

Copyright © 2020 Thump Agri and Horti Tech (Shanghai) Co., Ltd.
 No. 806-808, Building 3, Forte Pujiang Center, Lane 1505, Lianhang     
          Road, Pujiang Town, Minhang District, Shanghai, China
  Henry  0086-21-58109067  0086-15372315218